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Faculty of Mathematics


Assistant Professor of Quantum Information Theory / Theoretical Quantum Computation, DAMTP, University of Cambridge.

Personal webpage:


  • 2024-...: Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge
  • 2021-2024: Junior Professor (W1), Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
  • 2020-2021: MCQST Distinguished Postdoc, Technische Universität München and Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology
  • 2015-2019: PhD in Mathematics (La Caixa-Severo Ochoa Fellowship), Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas and Universidad Autónoma de Madrid




From Decay of Correlations to Locality and Stability of the Gibbs State
Á Capel, M Moscolari, S Teufel, T Wessel
– Communications in Mathematical Physics
Continuity bounds for quantum entropies arising from a fundamental entropic inequality
K Audenaert, B Bergh, N Datta, MG Jabbour, Á Capel, P Gondolf
A generic quantum Wielandt's inequality
Y Jia, A Capel
– Quantum
Rapid thermalization of dissipative many-body dynamics of commuting Hamiltonians
J Kochanowski, AM Alhambra, A Capel, C Rouzé
Corrections to “Continuity of Quantum Entropic Quantities via Almost Convexity”
A Bluhm, Á Capel, P Gondolf, A Pérez-Hernández
– IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
Conditional Independence of 1D Gibbs States with Applications to Efficient Learning
Á Capel, ÁM Alhambra, P Gondolf, A Ruiz-de-Alarcón, SO Scalet
Entropy Decay for Davies Semigroups of a One Dimensional Quantum Lattice
I Bardet, Á Capel, L Gao, A Lucia, D Pérez-García, C Rouzé
– Communications in Mathematical Physics
Strong decay of correlations for Gibbs states in any dimension
A Bluhm, Á Capel, A Pérez-Hernández
From decay of correlations to locality and stability of the Gibbs state
Á Capel, M Moscolari, S Teufel, T Wessel
Unified framework for continuity of sandwiched Rényi divergences
A Bluhm, Á Capel, P Gondolf, T Möbus
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Research Group

Centre for Quantum Information and Foundations

