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Postdocs / Researchers





  • Advice on funding sources and help with grant proposals:


  • Mentoring - Finding or becoming a Mentor:
    • Within DATMP/DPMMS: If you would like to talk to a senior researcher other than your supervisor about your career progression, you can either contact a potential mentor yourself or ask your Business and Operations Manager (DAMTP: Rachel Plunkett,; DPMMS: Ben Daft, to help you finding a mentor.
    • There is a Self-match mentoring scheme across Cambridge University
    • The Postdoc Academy offers formal matching to mentor drawn from outside core research area or outside academia.


  • Help with external collaborations and relations (e.g. industry):
    • Dr. Stephanie North (, the Knowledge Transfer Facilitator for both DAMTP and DPMMS, helps to develop and manage relationships with external organizations, such as business, industry, policy makers, NGOs and research institutions.


  • Yearly Staff Review: Once a year you should be contacted by the departmental HR Office Administrator about a staff review. The University, as part of its commitment to facilitating career development of all staff, expects each Department to run a Staff Review and Development Scheme. The Scheme ensures a regular formal opportunity, through a meeting between the Reviewee and a Reviewer, for a two-way discussion of progress, of possible difficulties or obstacles and of career goals and what might be done to help achieve them. You will be assigned a Reviewer from the departmental academic staff. If you have any questions please contact:


  • Equality, Diversity & Inclusion:
    • The Researcher Representatives on the Equiality & Diversity Committe are Stephanie Höhn (DAMTP) and Hanneke Wiersema (DPMMS).
    • Please find additional information, e.g. on Race, Gender and LGBT+ Equality and Accessibility) on the Maths Faculty website under About Us.


  • Help in case of inappropriate behaviour: If you wish to report or talk about any inappropriate behaviour, you can either contact the Departmental Administrators (DAMTP: Rachel Plunkett,; DPMMS: Vivien Gruar, This includes inappropriate behaviour of any kind from staff, students or members of the community, including any form of harassment (including racial harassment), bullying, discrimination and sexual misconduct. Alternatively you can use the University's anonymous reporting form, which enables anyone who is or has been a student, staff or visitor to the University to anonymously report any inappropriate behaviour.


Postdocs, or early career researchers, are crucial for the University’s world-class research and a vital part of the University community. There are just over 4,200 working in Cambridge, of which 3,200 are employed directly by the University and 1,000 are employed as Junior Research Fellows by the Colleges, the University Partner Institutes, or funded by external fellowships. 

  • The Careers Service has excellent provision for guiding postdoctoral careers, with specialist career advisers for different disciplines. They provide a wide variety of career-oriented activities, from 1-to-1 interview training to conferences on a range of professional careers. They also offer support for applications and interview preparation in academia and industry. Do register to receive a monthly update by email. 
  • The Postdocs of Cambridge Society (PdOC) offers practical information and opportunities to socialise with other postdocs. To receive the monthly newsletter, sign up here. The aim of the Society is to represent all postdocs and to facilitate communication and networking within the postdoc community and with the University.
  • In 2020, the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs changed its name to the Postdoc Academy. On their website you can find opportunities for Professional Development, Teaching and Mentoring.