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Computer-Aided Teaching of All Mathematics (CATAM)

Computational Projects Data Files

     July 2024 WWW Edition:
Poisson Solver for Part II project 3.8 (Wind-Forced Ocean Currents).
Proteins data for Part II project 9.3 (Protein Comparison in Bioinfomatics).
BLOSUM matrix for Part II project 9.3 (Protein Comparison in Bioinfomatics).
First part of citation dataset for Part II project 9.5 (The Google PageRank Algorithm).
Second part of citation dataset for Part II project 9.5 (The Google PageRank Algorithm).
IQ data from 120 people for Part II project 10.3 (Boootstrap Estimation of Standard Error).
Some of the following links are .zip files, which can simply be extracted once downloaded:
II 10.15 handle_demo.m
MATLAB program handle_demo.m for Part II project 10.15 (Variable Selection and the Bias-Variance Tradeoff).
II 10.15 monotonic_lars.m
MATLAB program monotonic_lars.m for Part II project 10.15 (Variable Selection and the Bias-Variance Tradeoff).
II 10.15 testerror.m
MATLAB program testerror.m for Part II Project 10.15 (Variable Selection and the Bias-Variance Tradeoff).
II 10.15 prostate.dat
Prostate data for Part II project 10.15 (Variable Selection and the Bias-Variance Tradeoff).
Edge list for Part II project 17.7 (Graph Planarity).
Edge list for Part II project 17.7 (Graph Planarity).
Edge list for Part II project 17.7 (Graph Planarity).
Edge list for Part II project 17.7 (Graph Planarity).
Edge list for Part II project 17.7 (Graph Planarity).
English text A for Part II project 19.2 (Information Content of Natural Language).
English text B for Part II project 19.2 (Information Content of Natural Language).
English text C for Part II project 19.2 (Information Content of Natural Language).
English text D for Part II project 19.2 (Information Content of Natural Language).
If you have problems accessing or finding data files, please email   
                   Files from July 2024 edition:
II 9.1 2023 table1.csv
Car data for question 3 in Part II project 9.1 (Policy Improvement for a Markov decision Process).
II 9.1 2023 table2.csv
Car data for question 4 in Part II project 9.1 (Policy Improvement for a Markov decision Process).
II-10-9-2023 football.csv
Football data for Part II project 10.9 (Markov Chain Monte Carlo).
II 10.16 2023 mensResults.csv
Data for Part II project 10.16 (The Tennis Modelling Challenge).
II 13.1 2023 DataTables
Data tables for Part II project 13.1 (Minimisation of Deterministic Finite-State Automata).
II 14.5 2023 quasar.dat
Quasar data for Part II project 14.5 (Cosmological Distances).