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The Part III Room

Located in the lower levels of Pavilion B, devoid of direct sunlight and patrolled by a black cat, the Part III room is an area for students to work in. In terms of IT it contains 2 printers, some UMD PCs and various peripherals (monitors, keyboards, etc) that can be connected to your laptop. More usefully it has a kitchen area and some comfy chairs.

University Managed Desktop (UMD) Service

UMD is a new UIS service that replaces MCS in August 2023. Maths intend to deploy 4 UMD devices in the Part III room. These will run Windows and require you to login with your university credentials.

Printing from within the Part III room.

General info

Printing facilities are in a state of flux at the moment (November 2022). "Responsible" black and white printing is free. Colour printing is not.  Please refer to information displayed near the printers in the Part III room.

Printer credit

Part III and CompBio MPhil students are given an amount of free print credit at the start of each academic year that can ONLY be used to print to the colour printer in the Part III room. The amount given to each part is different and is calculated each year using logs from the previous year as well as the expected printout requirements for each course. The amount given is set at a generous level and should not require topping up during the year. If for any reason students should run out of credit, students need to print out and complete a form, applications are then reviewed and if successful, credit added.